
COVID-19 and Graduated return to sport.

We often get asked “When can I start exercising again?”.

We have found an article that breaks down the process, step-by-step.🏃‍♀️

Before we delve into the do’s and dont’s, we need to understand that the first step, before returning to exercise after contracting COVID-19, is contacting your doctor to receive clearance to return to physical activity. 🦠

According to the article: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/54/19/1174 there are a few guidelines that can be followed.

Before starting the ‘Graduated Return To Play Protocol’ (GRTP) there are a few requirements that need to be met:

  • Treatment should be completed
  • Symptom free for 7 days
  • Completed 10 days of rest
  • Able to complete everyday activities
  • Able to walk 500m without extreme fatigue or breathlessness
Once these requirements have been met, then GRTP can commence by slowly reintroducing physical activity to the athletes routine. Each stage is described in the picture below!

Stage 1: Light activity can commence

Stage 2: Training sessions can be increased

Stage 3: Duration of training sessions can be increased

Stage 4: Intensity of training sessions can be increased

Stage 5: Return to normal training regime

As Biokineticists we are able to assist and guide you in returning back to sport. If you are requiring assistance, please pop us a message!🤸‍♀️